It’s possible with our RPM-produced native wildflowers and grasses! Create a lush habitat, rich with pollen, nectar, and seed. Attract birds, butterflies and more to your beautiful, low-maintenance landscape. Native perennials attract pollinators with color, shape and fragrance. When you plant for pollinators, choose a variety of native species that provide these characteristics at different times of the year. Nectar is an important source of food to fuel pollinators. They need dependable sources of nectar as they breed and migrate.It’s possible with our RPM-produced native wildflowers and grasses! Create a lush habitat, rich with pollen, nectar, and seed. Attract birds, butterflies and more to your beautiful, low-maintenance landscape.

Find ideas for adding resilient perennial wildflowers and grasses to your landscape. Discover ‘Perennial Partners’ that provide multi-season interest.

Connect With Nature
A great beginners guide to how and why to use natives! Includes our list of favorite native trees, shrubs and perennials.