Glades provide a special habitat for many native plants and animals.
Periodic fires and wildlife influence the glade’s sparse and unique vegetation. Drought tolerant perennials and low- to medium-height grasses combine in this resilient community. A few trees and shrubs also thrive in this environment.
Glades are often surrounded by a savanna or woodland. Its harsh environment provides the only habitat to many native plants and animals. For example, glades are home to bottlebrush blazing star and the eastern collared lizard. Wild turkey, bobwhite quail and white-tail deer also frequent glades.
Glades are open, sunny areas with shallow soils over bedrock at the edge of woodlands. You’ll find glades in the Ozarks on steep south and west-facing slopes, or hilltops known as ‘balds’.
Lend the dramatic beauty of glades to sunny, dry, low maintenance areas. This unique ecosystem can inspire modern, urban landscapes.
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Amorpha canescens | leadplant |
Cercis canadensis | eastern redbud |
Coreopsis lanceolata | lanceleaf coreopsis |
Echinacea pallida | pale purple coneflower |
Juniperus virginiana | eastern red cedar |
Liatris aspera | rough blazing star |
Oenothera macrocarpa | missouri primrose |
Panicum virgatum | switchgrass |
Quercus marilandica | blackjack oak |
Quercus muehlenbergii | chinkapin oak |
Quercus stallata | post oak |
Schizachryium scoparium | little bluestem |